Installation & Activation

Get up and running with one command through the builtin package manager or manual setup

This is a living document which means it is work in progress, not completed yet and can change at any time while the project is still in development major version zero 0.y.z!


Thanks to the builtin Emacs package manager, Nord Emacs can be installed for all platforms and the various variants/forks of Emacs in a uniform way with one command.

To install or update Nord Emacs

  1. press M-x
  2. run the package-install command
  3. type nord-theme and confirm with
Screenshot showing Emacs package listing and installation command to setup and update Nord through the builtin package managerScreenshot showing Emacs package listing and installation command to setup and update Nord through the builtin package manager
Emacs package listing and installation command to setup and update Nord through the builtin package manager.

See Emacs official package install documentations for more details how to use the builtin package management.


To install Nord Emacs manually, download the latest version or clone the repository.
Afterwards copy the nord-theme.el file into the .emacs.d/themes folder located in your home directory.

Screenshot showing the GitHub repository web UI to download the project repositoryScreenshot showing the GitHub repository web UI to download the project repository


Make sure the ~/.emacs.d/themes directory has been added to Emacs load path by adding it to the list in your init file (.init.el):

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/themes/"))

To activate and use Nord Emacs as your default color theme load it in your init file:

(load-theme 'nord t)

To switch to the theme on-the-fly

  1. press M-x
  2. run the load-theme command
  3. type nord and confirm with