Installation & Activation

Get up and running in one command with the package control registry.

This is a living document which means it is work in progress, not completed yet and can change at any time while the project is still in development major version zero 0.y.z!

Thanks to the package control registry, Nord Sublime Text can be installed with one command.
Please follow the official installation instructions to set up package control itself in order to install available packages from the registry.

Open the package installation view through the command palette via Ctrl/+Shift+p and run the „Package Control: Install Package“ command.

Screenshot showing the command palette searching for the package installation command
The command palette searching for the „Install Package“ command.

Search for „Nord“ and press Enter to install the theme.

Screenshot showing the installation view searching for the Nord package in the package registry
The installation view searching for the Nord package in the package registry.


A .sublime-package file can be installed manually without using the online package control registry by placing the package file in the Installed Packages or Packages/User directory located in the settings data path. For details about package directory paths on different operating system see the official package documentations.

  1. Get the theme by either
    • downloading the .sublime-package file of the latest release version (recommended).
    • cloning the repository from GitHub, packing it as ZIP archive file and renaming the file extension and rename the file extension from .zip to .sublime-package afterwards.
    • downloading the master (stable) or develop (unstable) repository branch from GitHub as ZIP archive file and rename the file extension from .zip to .sublime-package afterwards.
  2. Copy the .sublime-package file into your package directory (PreferencesBrowse Packages…) and restart Sublime Text in order to reload all installed packages.


To activate the Nord color theme, open the command palette via Ctrl/+Shift+p and run the „UI: Select Color Theme“ command or use the PreferencesColor Theme… menu.

Opening the color theme picker through the Command Palette.

Search for Nord and confirm the color theme change with Enter.

Selecting Nord as active color theme.

Alternatively the color scheme can also be set directly within the user settings that can be opened using the PreferencesSettings menu. Add or modify the color_scheme JSON key and set Nord Sublime Text as active color theme:

"color_scheme": "Packages/User/nord-sublime-text/Nord.sublime-color-scheme"