Nord JetBrains

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant JetBrains IDE UI and editor color theme.

Screenshot showing the IDE UI and code editor elements with Go functions for a RabbitMQ AMQP clientScreenshot showing the IDE UI and code editor elements with Go functions for a RabbitMQ AMQP client

Your IDE. Your style.

The unified UI and editor syntax element design provides a clutter-free and fluidly merging appearance.

Screenshot showing the IDE UI and code editor elements with a Java Spring Boot controller classScreenshot showing the IDE UI and code editor elements with a Java Spring Boot controller class
Screenshot showing the IDE code editor with a Java Spring Boot controller classScreenshot showing the IDE code editor with a Java Spring Boot controller class
Java with Spring Boot.

Beautiful code to keep focused.

The editor color scheme supports a wide range of programming languages — From bundled plugins of both community and ultimate editions up to most popular third-party plugins.

Supportive code surfing features like highlighting of bracket pairs are designed to stand out well from the actual code.

Screenshot showing the IDE code editor with Java methods to process JSON dataScreenshot showing the IDE code editor with Java methods to process JSON data
Java methods to process JSON data.
Screenshot showing the IDE code editor with a Java enumeration with implemented interface methods.Screenshot showing the IDE code editor with a Java enumeration with implemented interface methods.
Java enumeration with implemented interface methods.

Comments and source code documentations are intentionally inconspicuous and less disturbing in order to keep the focus on the important elements: the source code.

Small details with unobtrusive styles.

Popular and common code editor features like search result marker and bracket matching are designed to get out of your way with a visually attractive appearance.

Lazy code element highlighting.
Code selection in the editor.

The discreet visual style for selected code blocks ensures still easily recognizable syntax colors.

Well recognizable marker for active and context related search results.

Screenshot showing the IDE code editor with search result markerScreenshot showing the IDE code editor with search result marker
Search result marker in the editor.

Uniform design with beautiful UI elements.

The themed UI elements provide a fluid and unobtrusive transition from the code editor to the IDE.

Screenshot showing the customized IDE welcome screenScreenshot showing the customized IDE welcome screen
The customized IDE welcome screen.
Screenshot showing the Search Everywhere popupScreenshot showing the Search Everywhere popup
The Search Everywhere popup.

Support for special elements like the Search Everywhere popup and menus.

Screenshot showing multiple progress bars with different layoutsScreenshot showing multiple progress bars with different layouts
Multiple progress bars with different layouts.
Screenshot showing various common UI componentsScreenshot showing various common UI components
Common UI components.
Styled context menus on supported operating systems.
Screenshot showing a styled contextScreenshot showing a styled context
Screenshot showing the import wizard for Gradle based projectsScreenshot showing the import wizard for Gradle based projects
Import wizard for Gradle based projects.
Support for various IDE specific views like the project import wizard.

Installation and updates with one click.

Install Nord from the official JetBrains Plugin Repository for all your favorite JetBrain IDEs with one click including automatic updates to always use the latest Nord version.

Screenshot showing the builtin IDE plugin marketplaceScreenshot showing the builtin IDE plugin marketplace
JetBrains builtin IDE plugin marketplace.